Thursday, 23 September 2010

Preliminary Task

We Did the Preliminary task to show that we can keep continuity in our filming and that we can edit pieces of film. For this task we had to record a character opening a door, walking across a room and sitting on a chair and interacting with another character who was sat opposite.
In this task we were asked to perform shot/reverse shot, 180-degree rule and match on action shots.
In our storyboards we were asked to use shot number, camera angles, an image, lighting and music, costume, scene information.

There are plenty of camera angles for example there is a close up, extreme close up, medium shot, long shot, over the shoulder shot, shot/reverse shot and match on action.

Extreme close up is used to show a characters facial expressions to show how the character is feeling.

Over the shoulder shot/reverse shot are used to show a conversation between two characters, the camera is focused on one characters should and the others face.

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